
Some suggestions for going a little bit further with this exercise, if you want to.
  1. Record your own speech and analyse that (instructions on recording speech can be found in the digit recogniser exercise.)
    • record on different devices (your phone, your laptop, …) and compare the signals to see what differs – compare by listening, looking at the waveform, and inspecting the spectrogram. Can you figure out the cause of these differences?
    • record close to the microphone, or far away (try it in a reverberant space, such as the bathroom!) – what changes? why?
  2. Analyse some of the synthetic speech signals in this zip file
    • what are the differences between them? use different tools (your ears, the waveform, the spectrogram)
    • in what ways are they similar or different to natural speech?
    • could you tell they are synthetic just by looking at the spectrogram?